Opendata.ch/2023 Opendata.ch/2023 is Switzerland’s leading conference on open data and open knowledge. On June 16th 2023, we’ll meet for a day of inspiration, innovation, and networking – it will be our 13th conference. Experts from research, business, government, politics, journalism and civil society join us to discuss the impact of open data and knowledge on transforming our world for the better. Opendata.ch Hackdays This category is for discussions about projects in the Opendata.ch Hackdays Youth Activities Data Arts Announcements and discussions of Data Expeditions and other workshops organised by the School of Data chapter in Switzerland. Events This is a shared community calendar, please visit our main website to find out about upcoming workshops from the Opendata.ch association Just post your event in this forum to get listed here. Opendata.ch/2019 Dieses Jahr lancieren wir die Konferenz als “Unconference”, das wir Opendata.ch/2019 Forum nennen. Überlegen Sie sich, welches Thema Sie gerne besprechen möchten und was es dazu für Materialien und Ressourcen gibt. Um mehr Leute auf dieses Thema aufmerksam zu machen, empfehlen wir, dieses auf ihren Kanälen zu teilen und mit Bekannten zu besprechen. Dadurch erhöhen Sie die Chance, dass ihr Thema am Forum gewählt und angegangen wird. Fühlen Sie frei dieses Plattform zu nutzen, um eure Projekten und Ideen zu definiern und dazu Feedback abholen. Hackathons Here are hackathons we go to, organise, promote. Please feel free to send us your tips! Don’t know what a hackathon is, or curious about getting started? Give “Make the most of Hackathon season” a read. Legal Case Data The aim of projects like Entscheidsuche.ch is to make case law published by courts more accessible, easily to find (one portal = one-stop-shop), searchable and accessible to everyone. By applying open standards, portable technology, and the principles of data and design, we can hope to more broadly address real-world legal problems. Covid-19 Hacknights The DINAcon Hacknight is a way to learn about and contribute to Open Source projects in a hands-on way. This event is open to all and caters to all levels of technical skill. Our focus will be on all projects nominated and showcased at DINAcon, with committers and experts available on hand to guide you through to your first bug report or code commit!