With this humble appeal, a sign on our drinks fridge at #energyhack2020 inspired some progress on a topic that we’ve been interested in for quite a while. It was suggested by one of the participants, and we quickly started an open data project to recommend verified charities.
Get your fluids and visit opendata.ch/water to add data, or click on the links in the Donations field in the gallery view for a way to contribute today.
On the related topic of charity data formats, check out this thread:
Some places on the Internet which could be scraped or referenced:
Over the last few months, OpenUp, Code for Africa, Code for Germany and the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism have been working on a Water Commons. In a short webinar we would like to introduce you to the project, present our findings and discuss our findings and future engagement.
In den letzten Monaten haben OpenUp, Code for Africa, Code for Germany und das Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism an einer Water Commons gearbeitet. In einem kurzen Webinar möchten wir euch das Projekt vorstellen, unsere Ergebnisse präsentieren und über unsere Erkenntnisse und zukünftiges Engagement diskutieren. 4. Februar, 15-16 Uhr (Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt.)