@joerg and I had a quick meeting in Bern yesterday and talked with people from the media department at the University of Teacher Education, coming up with the idea of doing a short sprint project together.
The idea is to visualize the potential for a School of Data (“Fundierte Basis für eine Datenschule”) in Switzerland through systematic analysis of gaps and paths in further open education offerings.
Focus areas could be drawn from our own concept document, and from sources such as:
- the digital sustainability group at the University of Bern
- the eGovernment Institute at Bern’s University of Applied Sciences
- the national curriculum - i.e. Lehrplan21
- expert groups at eGovernment Switzerland
- just-published research of the School of Data
- reports from the Open Education working group at Open Knowledge
- expert studies from the OECD and elsewhere around the world
…and so on.
Several people in soda camp are members of research institutions, and I would like to see who wishes to collaborate with us after putting together an initial rough sketch. This may, indeed, be even more appropriate as a Data Expedition and not an academic review.
In other words, rather than a research report, I see soda camp’s role in collecting an open dataset, drilling into it as best we can, and helping one or more field researchers (assuming interest of course), to publish on this basis.
Besides helping us to quantify the goals for our initiative, this could lead to insights on how to ground our initative, and lead to interesting further discussion - e.g. with the School of Data network, at the International Open Data Conference, with Youth and Media, etc.