The DINAcon HACKnight is a way to learn about and contribute to Open Source projects in a hands-on way. This event is open to all, and caters to all levels of technical skill. Although our focus will be on all projects nominated and showcased at DINAcon 2018, all proposal to start or improve open source projects are welcome. All challenges posted here will be announced at the start. Experienced developers will be available on hand to guide you through your first bug report or code commit!
Room, refreshments and resources will be provided by our volunteers for mini-sprints starting right after DINAcon, at 18:00 on October 19. Teams that demonstrate dedication and potential to their hacks may be offered additional time, room and support to continue their projects by representatives of the DINAcon community. Projects may be posted (and remote submissions are welcome) until 18:00 on October 20.
If you have feedback or suggestions, raise an issue on GitHub. There you can also find some goodies, like the official wallpaper.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at