[8.9] Wikidata Hackathon

Wikidata Zurich meetups like the workshop with @csarasua we supported last year are outstanding opportunities to learn how to use and contribute to WikiData! Up next:

I’ve added these to our calendar - and of course our own Hackdays this weekend will be a great time to explore the foodie side of Wikidata - see you in Basel! :carrot: :rabbit2:

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I would love to attend the Hackdays in Basel, but unfortunately I cannot make it. I have posted a Wikidata-foodie idea: https://hack.opendata.ch/project/169/

Quick bump of this thread: the Zurich Hackathon is on September 8. Check out this interesting interview (in German) with @csarasua


It was fun to connect with @csarasua and the participants in :business_suit_levitating: live video :video_camera: between hackathons on Saturday! Thanks for using dribdat and sharing your feedback. This Twitter thread is also one I’m really keen to expand on. Looking forward to digging into all the results - in the meantime, we’ve got impressions from social media: