I was invited to speak at Volkshaus Zürich (site of our 2014 conference) on the topic of data management, something I care about in a professional capacity, nevertheless I would like to paint a broader picture and talk about this on an activist level.
How do we manage data as a community? I believe this begins with a shared understanding, the kind I’ve been trying to pursue with the School of Data:
The Swiss chapter of Open Knowledge is dedicated to making data freely available for everyone to use and republish, in order to increase transparency, innovation and efficiency. Oleg will explain why Data Literacy matters, and share stories from an event series through which thousands of people are learning to build better bridges to interpreting and validating facts about the world.
In the past few months I’ve had fresh experiences with projects like Frictionless Data and CKAN, and I look forward to seeing what people are doing and researching - as well as making a bit of a teaser for the workshop I’m organising at Opendata.ch/2017 at this gathering.
My slides are online. The full program too, and we will be tweeting at #datadayZH during the day. Ping any questions or thoughts!