People from Swiss media are organizing a hackathon on empowering linguistic diversity in newsrooms on Feb. 21–22, 2020 to mark the International Mother Language Day, a yearly celebration by UNESCO of linguistic diversity. I look forward to joining into the hack. Details can be found after the break.
If you are wondering why this matters, be inspired by Watch Your Language: How English is Skewing the Global News Narrative:
As a journalist, it’s my job to be sure that, no matter where I’m living or working, I try to cover issues as broadly and deeply as I can. But it also means that my built-in language bias can be part of the problem, further skewing the global narrative, from basic news reports to media education.
And if you’re wondering where linguistic diversity and open data overlaps, look no further than our last year’s event…
We’re really getting things on a roll for the first #opendatach hackathon of 2020, and possibly the first hackathon ever with the topic „Multilingual Media“ Here is a sneak preview of some of the resources we are recommending. Let us know if you have any more suggestions!
- in 10 languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, and Chinese.
- Code & data from SRF Data, the data-driven journalism unit of Swiss Radio and TV, is available at See also the SRG-SSR APIs and their documentation.
- The recent UNESCO hackathon and their portal, as well as the Atlas of World Languages in Danger and the UNESCO Courier are good introductions to what UNESCO does for linguistic diversity worldwide.
- The / Forum Helveticum hackathon: Mehrsprachigkeit 4.0. See also the results from the recent BBC news Hack on multilingual media.
- At you can discover open datasets such as the most frequent languages and national languages by neighbourhood from Swiss cities, cantons and federal administrations.
- The open Dataset Collections at Datahub are maintained by the Open Knowledge community, covering datasets of global interest.
- Inspiring projects and data can be found in the Hacks/Hackers and Global Editors Network communities.
Parlez vous français? Parli italiano? We have some new content, and will start linking you to the first challenges on our website - sign up & hope to see you next month!
We’re full out of room in Bern, but still accepting registrations to the waiting list. There has been interest from people in remote locations to join us virtually. We would gladly support that with channels like this forum and the challenge platform. So: if you would like to host a sub#swihack at your own lovely location and connect over the
wire with us, get in touch with the team!
チクタク टिक - टॉक Tick-tock! Only ~ 24 days, 24 hours and 24 minutes to go until the start of #swihack. For some inspiration, read this story of what it’s like to be a real-time translator in the Swiss parliament:
We have some great challenges, data sources, and ideas flowing into our dribdat site. If you’re planning to be with us on location, or thinking about hacking with us remotely, please make sure to register for the waiting list. You’ll get all the details of how to best connect with us and make the most of the event.
7 days to go! If you have registered, you can get sneak previews of next week’s challenges every day via our Telegram channel, join the hackathon’s dribdat, and ask any questions to the organizers. We are very excited to be counting down to the start line. Follow us and share your own inspirational tweets at #swihack.
3 days to go! We’ve been featuring challenges over Telegram and getting some feedback from the ~60 people we are so looking forward to connect with this weekend. This challenge is dedicated to one of the fundamental issues in the open data scene - I call my column ‚potato‘, you call it ‚pohtato‘
We’re off to an excellent start today, with a set of motivating lightning talks (incl. my own humble contribution) and challenges in the morning followed by pretty much uninterrupted hacking. The facilities, canteen, and hospitality are excellent. Really looking forward to see what we can come up with by early afternoon tomorrow. Follow the action at #swihack