I am running a one day workshop on “Getting started with mybinder.org for your research”. By attending you will learn how mybinder.org works, how to get your repository “binder ready”, getting data in and out, how to use RStudio or C++, and you get to ask the Binder team anything (this was by far the most popular part at the last workshop). (If you don’t know what mybinder.org is see the end of this post for some links and an introduction.)
The morning will be a guided tour and instructed session on getting everyone to make their first binder. The afternoon sessions are dedicated to breakouts on topics set by the participants of the workshop. In the past people who wanted to achieve similar things formed groups to work on that together.
In between we provide lunch, coffee, tea and soft drinks.
This installment will be hosted at EPFL in Lausanne on 14 September 2018. The event is free but spaces are limited (and to know how much food we should order) you have to sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfXZYqB2HVSD3Slc45Tw095iFbIcP3FmhCUNeGnyl23c6bZnQ/viewform
If you have any questions or need more details please get in touch: tim@wildtreetech.com or @betatim on twitter
About mybinder.org:
mybinder.org, which is a free service running open-source software called BinderHub, it stage manages the process of getting a GitHub (or GitLab) repo name, building a docker image from it, and then launching one or more containers of that image that run either Jupyter or RStudio (or potentially any other Web site).
repo2docker config info: https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_files.html The tool behind turning repos into containers
binderhub: https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub the tool behind mybinder.org
There’s a collection of binder examples here, https://github.com/binder-example Take a look at either https://github.com/binder-examples/jupyterlab or https://github.com/binder-examples/r - just go click the little “launch binder” button on the README!
(edited to fix links)