[24.8] foraus - My Data - My Health

Our friends at foraus are organising a Policy Kitchen event series on the topic of “My Data - My Health”. The workshop in Bern is planned on Monday, 24.08, with inputs from Adrian Schmid (eHealth Suisse) & Kerstin Denecke (Berner Fachhochschule). Would be great to have you with us! Please also spread the word a bit in your network.

Other workshop dates are:

  • Geneva (25.08) Input: Christian Lovis (University Hospitals of Geneva; University of Geneva)
  • Basel (26.08) Input: Katrin Crameri (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) & William Archey (Roche Pharma (Switzerland) AG)
  • Zurich (27.08) Input: Alessandro Blasimme (ETH Zurich) & Marc Stoecklin (IBM Research - Zurich)
  • Online (02.09) Input: Lisa Bachofen (Vereinigung Angehöriger psychisch Kranker- VASK Bern)

More background on the Policy Kitchen challenge here:

With the project «Health Data Governance: What’s in it for Switzerland?» we at foraus and Sensor Advice are conducting this discussion throughout Switzerland. We are exploring how the potential of new digital health technologies can be fully leveraged to benefit society, while addressing existing challenges related to data privacy and security. We want to examine to what extent health data governance at the global level could benefit public health and how Switzerland should position itself internationally on this topic. To find innovative governance solutions and get out of traditional thinking patterns, we are therefore inviting you to explore with us the future of healthcare and the use of personal health data.
:point_right: https://www.policykitchen.com/group/39/about

Some impressions from this evening’s event in Bern …


An impressive location to learn about and participate in deep questions of social impact.


Prof. Denecke delivered a compelling overview of the subject of „Personally Generated Health Data“ (an even more user-centric, I take it, version of patient-generated health data). The research interest in data sources including remote sensing, social media (think Health Map, Flu Trends), mobile health apps and patient portals was clear. Midata.coop was one of a range of platforms and applications covered. The recommended C. Petersen & P. DeMuro 2015 paper on legal and regulatory frameworks is worth a read.


One other highlighted project was prescription compliance for eMediplan.ch, a platform which will be among those tested for EPD integration and standards support at the upcoming Datathon. Speaking of which …


Mr. Schmid from the eHealth Suisse program delivered a summary of the goals, illustrated how Switzerland was lagging in overseas ratings despite apparent local support, cited allergy tracking among some examples of successful national digital health projects, and shared an update of progress of the Electronic Patient File project. An interesting discussion ensued on the role of policy in global standardization.

Following these presentations, we split into groups to try out a new foraus format: imagining news breaks from the future :rocket:

Brainstorming ideas for political topics of 10 years down the road was fun, agreeing with our team-mates and boiling them down to concise inputs for public health policy was quite a bit harder. The foraus team did a great job facilitating, and if you can, join one of the upcoming physical or virtual events, linked above. Looking forward to see what you come up with!

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Out now:

How should the use of health data be regulated nationally and internationally, in order for their potential to be fully exploited and so that everyone can benefit from it? And what is the role that Switzerland can play in all this? What’s in it for Switzerland? This study presents 12 broad-based recommendations for action for better health data governance. They are the result of a national participatory process carried out together by foraus and Sensor Advice in 2020.

By Moritz Fegert, Niculin Detreköy, Isabel Knobel & contributors

Available in DE, FR, EN at Publikationen – Foraus